Motherly’s Annual State of Motherhood Survey

Alleviating the mental load of motherhood September sees many families getting back to a regular routine. For some, this predictability can feel like a sense of relief, while others may struggle to adapt to the back-to-school schedule. Whatever your perspective, we’re here to help you embrace the routine and alleviate the mental load of motherhoodContinueContinue reading “Motherly’s Annual State of Motherhood Survey”

“I just don’t want to die, while giving birth”.

Midwife Victoria Buchanan hears a common refrain from pregnant Black women in her care:  “Oh, I just don’t want to die,” Buchanan said they tell her. “I just want to come out of here alive. I want to have a healthy baby. I want to be next to my kids.” Buchanan, 28, believes that sheContinueContinue reading ““I just don’t want to die, while giving birth”.”

1 in 5 mothers were mistreated during pregnancy care: U.S. report

As the U.S. battles rising maternal death rates, 1 in 5 mothers say they were verbally abused, ignored or otherwise disrespected by health care providers during maternal care. — Read on

Breastfeeding, The Importance Of It.

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month when we celebrate and support those who choose to breastfeed their babies. August 25-31 is Black Breastfeeding Awareness Week and it is important to note that a significant percentage of women of color don’t breastfeed. I once spoke to a young lady and asked if she breastfed her baby andContinueContinue reading “Breastfeeding, The Importance Of It.”