Healthy Heart For Your Baby

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal death in the U.S., or more simply put, heart disease is the No. 1 killer of new moms. It can pose a threat to women’s heart health during pregnancy and later in life, making it important that women understand how to care for themselves and their baby.ContinueContinue reading “Healthy Heart For Your Baby”

Babygirl You’re a Beautiful Flower.

This post is going to be kinda personal to me, because I’m tired of hearing about women dying while giving birth for things that could have been prevented. No, I’m not a doctor but I’m a loving, caring and knowledgeable doula with a specialty in monitoring prenatal care and advocacy. Don’t Take No! Mom’s beforeContinueContinue reading “Babygirl You’re a Beautiful Flower.”

I Need Help!

As a doula and maternal health advocate who specializes in postpartum care mothers need more support. I’ve seen some women with babies pretending like they have it all together, no one would ever know that they are going through postpartum depression. I saw this article and I thought it would help bring awareness to thisContinueContinue reading “I Need Help!”

JoyDrop Baby Luxury Doula

I just want to take a little break from working and first congratulate all the moms who are pregnant and getting up every morning going to work and also those who have kids already and you’re taking care of them while pregnant. Being pregnant is not a easy thing to do, I know that someContinueContinue reading “JoyDrop Baby Luxury Doula”

What Is A Doula Really

What is a doula in layman’s terms? I doula is someone who stands in the gap for you when you are pregnant. They are like that friend you had when you were younger that was always there to support you through everything, that’s pretty much what a doula is in layman’s terms. Professionally what isContinueContinue reading “What Is A Doula Really”