Pancreatic Cancer & Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

Joydrop Wellness along with several others are saddened to hear that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Congresswoman Sheila represents the state that I live in and I’ve met her several times at different events. I know that she will beat this because she’s a strong and determined lady. We sendContinueContinue reading “Pancreatic Cancer & Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.”

Prepregnancy Food: What to eat while TTC.

What To Eat. Eating healthy prior to getting pregnant is crucial for the well-being and development of both you and your baby. Ensuring that your body receives essential nutrients and vitamins before conception can contribute to a healthier pregnancy and reduce the risk of certain birth defects. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, leanContinueContinue reading “Prepregnancy Food: What to eat while TTC.”