Military Insurance Lowers The Age For Colon Screenings. 45

I don’t typically work with military serviceman when it comes to advocating and helping clients navigate the healthcare systems. But on occasion I may help someone who later tells me that they were in the military but I would like my navigator services and it’s great to know that Tricare is lower the age thatContinueContinue reading “Military Insurance Lowers The Age For Colon Screenings. 45”

Lung Cancer was the diagnosis.

The Emmy award-winning actor Andre Braugher died last week at age 61 from lung cancer, just months after being diagnosed, his representative said. The More You Know. While 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths in the U.S. are linked to cigarette smoking, 10% to 20% of lung cancers occur in people who have neverContinueContinue reading “Lung Cancer was the diagnosis.”