Pancreatic Cancer & Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

Joydrop Wellness along with several others are saddened to hear that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Congresswoman Sheila represents the state that I live in and I’ve met her several times at different events. I know that she will beat this because she’s a strong and determined lady. We sendContinueContinue reading “Pancreatic Cancer & Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.”

Why are so many young people getting colorectal diagnosis?

The premise of our company is help our clients prevent cancer, I was attending a conference this week, and we were discussing lung cancer and how to get people to stop smoking and vaping and I told the instructor that I truly believe that we must start focusing our energy on children starting at theContinueContinue reading “Why are so many young people getting colorectal diagnosis?”

Military Insurance Lowers The Age For Colon Screenings. 45

I don’t typically work with military serviceman when it comes to advocating and helping clients navigate the healthcare systems. But on occasion I may help someone who later tells me that they were in the military but I would like my navigator services and it’s great to know that Tricare is lower the age thatContinueContinue reading “Military Insurance Lowers The Age For Colon Screenings. 45”

Prostate What’s That?

The Importance of Prostate Cancer Screening Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men, making regular screening crucial for early detection and effective treatment. Screening can help detect the cancer in its early stages when treatment is most effective, potentially saving lives in the process. Routine screening typically involves aContinueContinue reading “Prostate What’s That?”

Transitioning Back To Work

Design Creating A Beautiful Space Shows You Care It’s the law. Joydrop Baby not only cares about the health and well-being of mothers giving birth and postpartum, but we also support a healthy transition back into the workspace. Mothers pump every three hours around the clock or at least eight times in 24 hours until you buildContinueContinue reading “Transitioning Back To Work”

Maternal Health Awareness

Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the most exciting time of a couples life. Our goal is to make sure that happiness stays with you throughout your pregnancy. We’re here for you through it all. Scan the code to get started on your journey of parenthood.