Why are so many young people getting colorectal diagnosis?

The premise of our company is help our clients prevent cancer, I was attending a conference this week, and we were discussing lung cancer and how to get people to stop smoking and vaping and I told the instructor that I truly believe that we must start focusing our energy on children starting at theContinueContinue reading “Why are so many young people getting colorectal diagnosis?”

Cancer diagnosis rates are going up in younger adults, study finds.

largely by rises in women and people in their 30s As a health and wellness navigator and advocate, it is my responsibility to ensure that my clients prioritize their well-being. While I strive to empower them to take optimal care of themselves, I acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances can arise. Recently sports commentator Micheal Strahan andContinueContinue reading “Cancer diagnosis rates are going up in younger adults, study finds.”